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Are you looking to find your Beats device? We’ve all been there. You’ve misplaced your device and now you’re panicking, not sure how you’re going to locate it again. Luckily, Apple has created a feature within their app, Beats Pro for Android, that makes the process of finding your device much simpler.

The feature, which is called Find Beats, is a convenient way to locate your device when you’re unable to find it. It works by utilizing Bluetooth technology to connect your device to the app, allowing you to find it. With this feature, you’re able to keep track of where your device is, and even send a sound to help you find it if it’s in a different room.

To access the Find Beats feature on your Android device, all you need to do is open the Beats Pro app and tap on the Find Beats icon. Once you’re in the Find Beats section of the app, you’ll be able to view a map of your device’s location and even send a sound to it if you need to.

Once you’ve located your device, you can view its status on the map. You can also choose to turn off the sound you sent to your device, or even lock it remotely, making sure no one else can access it.

So, now that you know how to find your Beats device with the Find Beats feature, you can rest assured knowing that you won’t ever lose your device again. With this feature, you can be sure that you’ll always be able to find it, no matter where it is. So, the next time you’re looking for your Beats device, just open up your app and follow the simple steps to locate it. With the Find Beats feature, finding your device is a breeze.

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